by Chris Pehura — C-SUITE DATA — 2024/02/04
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5 — Requirements
Requirements need to be traceable to code. This means it needs to be mapped to code. Sometimes a single requirement maps to multiple sections of code. Sometimes multiple requirements map to a single section of code. This makes the traceability and the mapping difficult to follow and difficult to manage. Any changes in the requirements or the code results in bugs.
To avoid these bugs you need to manage your requirements, you need to manage your code, and you need to manage the connection, the traceability, between your requirements and your code.
4 — Patching
Patching is where you make small changes to your code. You can add, remove, or change snippets of code to meet the needs of changing requirements or to fix defects. Patching is typically done under a tight timeline in an assembly-line process. Because of the tight timeline, you need to restrict the amount of analysis, coding, and testing done on the patch. This can create bugs because not all possible impacts are checked when adding a patch.
To avoid creating bugs group smaller patches into large ones based on the areas of the code impacted.
3 — Defragmentation
Defragmentation is where code grows rapidly because of multiple people working on that same code base. This can be caused by multiple projects or by multiple teams expanding on the existing code. This often results in duplication in the code and adds additional complexity and connections within the code that are not specified by the requirements. This means when you make a change you’ll need to make other changes in other areas of the code.
To avoid creating bugs you need to manage the growth of your code.
2 — Perceptual blindness
Perceptual blindness is the inability to see what is right in front of you. This comes from fatigue, frustration, or from doing repetitive tasks. Coders naturally get this when they’ve been working on code especially the same code for an extremely long period of time. This results in a lot of bugs being created. Coders may change the wrong line of code. They may misinterpret what a piece of code is doing. Or they may not thoroughly test the code because of a misunderstanding of the code.
To avoid creating bugs, mandate that your coders take breaks.
1 — Retesting
The priority of coders is to code. It is not to test. And it is not to retest. Bugs are created because not all changes are retested when a coder writes a piece of code. They test the code. When they write another piece of code they test the change that they’ve made but may not retest all the changes they made.
To avoid creating bugs write all automated test scripts first before a single line of code is written or changed.
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