by Chris Pehura — C-SUITE DATA — 2016/04/12
Reach out if you want to learn more
by Chris Pehura – C-SUITE DATA
WHEN YOU SAY Big Data, do you think of charities, donations, and non-profits? Why not? We non-profits have to go through quite a few hoops to get our donations. And to get them, we need to spend our donors’ money in a way each individual donor feels the most comfortable with. And with a large number of donors we really need to be on our game. And Big Data can help.
Here are the three main areas where Big Data best helps us non-profits.
Increase our Donations. Donors are very sensitive to overhead costs, wanting almost all the money they donate to go toward the cause. The higher the overhead costs the lower the amount the donor contributes, the less often they contribute, and the less likely they’ll refer the non-profit to other prospect donors. To get the donors to contribute more, Big Data helps reduce our overhead by capturing and automating the expertise of those that solicit and administer the donations. And with that lower overhead, donors feel more comfortable donating more and helping with our growth.
Retaining our Right Donors. Big Data helps attract and retain the right donors we want as life-long contributors; donors critical for our establishment and growth. Big Data helps identify the right charities, right causes, right events, right recognition programs, and even the right donation size and frequency to attract and retain our right donors, helping us with our strategic growth.
Balancing our Right Investments. Big Data helps us achieve our healthy cash flow by guiding our leadership to making the right investments. Big Data helps us with our due-diligence, transparency, and balancing our dollars across our various investments; investments like funds and causes and the investments around the attraction and retention of donors, employees, and volunteers. This right balancing helps us drive our sustainable growth.
Because of donors and their unique preferences and expectations Big Data is crucial for us to establish our donor base, grow, and sustain our growth. Big Data helps us better leverage our contributions, volunteers, and causes; allowing us to do the most good where the most good is needed.
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